miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018

Cuentos para Kati IV

I can't see as you see, I don't distinguish the fascinating shades that form when light passes through materials but I do see it coming from the sky. I can't see you if  you do not move, but I do recognize you, the subtle scent you emit, the lite breeze that walks with you as you walk. It is difficult for me to have friends because they want to chill and I keep asking them to move around.

I can't see as you see, my eyes never came, I ordered them online but the vendor says I do not have the appropriate port. I complained with the quality of service and he just hanged off. I can't see as you see but I can feel you getting close, I can feel the subtle moves of Earth. It is difficult for me to have friends because I keep crashing with them, I apologized with the mole but he kept saying please keep moving. I do not know what he means.   

I can't see as you see, everything moves fast, all of you and sometimes I think there is only one of you, you all look the same very often. My eyes are a many-core GPU, but like those, each eye does not have much precision though it is kinda cool, cause it is like I am high all the time. It is difficult for me to have friends because it is complicated to see which one is actually you, but it is funny seeing the mole keep asking the worm to move while he keeps crashing against him.

I can't see as you see but sometimes is cold and sometimes is warm, that is how I figure it is time to wake up or time to go to sleep. The soft currents carry me, it is exciting I must say because sometimes I eat things that I don't want but when I do, oh boy, it is nice. I guess it is not so good to have all what you want all the time. But it is difficult for me to have friends. I invited them once to come to the shore but I didn't get on time, the soft breezes carried me some place else and the second time, I arrived early but the worm never came, the mole came but he kept asking me to move and if I move the current will take me away and the fly was just all high asking which one are you?

We can't see as you see, but does it mean we don't see? The worm and the fish see nothing, the mole only sees black and white and the fly sees too much. We can't see as you see but we might feel better than you because we can feel the Earth speaking, the light melting and the water caressing us and now that we have finally met, all of us, we have some question for you, are we and you not looking at the same thing? We don't see as you see, but we do look at the same that you are looking, for each of us it looks different but it is still the same, is it not? We can't see as you see but does it mean you are actually seeing?

3 comentarios:

  1. Reading your blogs I think so, that your emotional life is very complicated. What happened to you? I think that you'll never find the love of your life, because there is not one woman, as a man you are. Most women are not characterized by spirituality. You need spiritual gratification not only sexual. Never a one will ever understand your dual personality. Most women can't fly with you so heights and can't go down so depths as where you are. I feel sorry for you, because I think so hard way will be to the end of your life.
    In my opinion, that is important: Similis simile gaudet. Si duo idem faciunt, saepe non est idem.
    P. S: I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. 😊

  2. When we seek after the things of the Spirit, the rewards are eternal and will bring us the satisfaction we seek through this mortal experience.

  3. I am not "unknown", just unperceptile.🙄
