miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013


Imagine remembering all your lives, imagine remembering all the experiences you had that now makes you see certain things as obvious.

Imagine remembering the skin of all your lovers, remembering the kisses and the silence of their touch, imagine remembering all of them in one person, one person for the eternity

Imagine remembering the pain of all your deaths and the peace after your mind dropped its shield letting your soul embrace the glory of the spirit, the glory of the no time, the no space, the glory of God

Imagine opening your eyes when closed, looking into the mirror without a reflection, imagine your voice absent of sound, your touch, full of pleasure, your heart slowly pumping life through the ones you have loved

Imagine the touch of the air in your naked body, the tender silk drowning you into the seas of your imagination. Imagine the screams in all your births, the cry out of the lost of conformity.

Imagine the innocence of your childish experiences and the wisdom in your foolish attempts to differentiate yourself from the universe

Imagine yourself sinking in the last drop in the cup, drinking it and tasting the ecstasy of one single life full of several births and deaths, full of the lost of all senses and the lovely, wise and magnificent prison enchanted by them

Imagine yourself thinking the letters of this poem, imagine yourself changing their order, imagine yourself forgetting the existence of such a lie, the order, imagine yourself embracing the logic of chaos, imagine yourself dropping the last cent of pride.

Imagine yourself being free, living and dying at the same time.

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