Every system can be in all possible states at the same time, no more duality, there's not such a thing.
Forget about (0,0,0,0), forget the 11 dimensions, the energy is the same in all of them, one single energy, one single force, there's not space nor time, the only connection is between a point and itself, everything happens in the same space, every particle is in the same point, no galaxies, no worlds, not space discrimination.
The clock is not ticking forwards nor backwards, it is not ticking, there's no time, no future nor past, everything is happening in a continuos, solid ,liquid and not differentiated present.
The senses are a prison, forget about your sight or hearing, your touch does not describe the universe, it limits its infinity but don't forget correspondence law.
There's not duality, nor light, nor darkness, both are the same, both coexist in a single point capable as a simple molecule or a single universe.
There's not more energy in one galaxy that in an atom, both are the same, no space, no time, consider the mustard seed.
We all are part of the same unity, not disparity, not separation, nothing is connected but within itself, all is one and one is all, God's the universe and ourselves, scape from the prison, advance your perspective, forget about realities, there's not such thing, move nor forward, not upward, not downward, not backwards, there's not space, no concept of it, philosophy can join together the 4 forces.
Water, music and the female heart are the closest expresion of God within this system configuration.
Forget about time, space and senses, forget the monster, forget the reality, close your eyes and open them, remember what was taught in your conception, your link with the universe, the one who is accessed within and outside your senses, faith is not a religious expression, faith is the key of the prison given to every prisoner at every moment, faith is doubt, there's not reality, not madness.
There's nothing and there's everything ....